Friday, April 17, 2009

It's been a while! I almost forgot how to do this.

*Hangs head in shame*

Since it's been so long and I need a practice session, how 'bout I just post a few really cute pictures of the kitties and call it good? No heaviness, no ramblings, just cute pictures.

Like this one.

or this one.

or even this one, which is currently my screen saver.

This is Groo, my brother's Maine Coon. Groo weighs 22 pounds. My brother wants him to weigh less. However, Groo doesn't WANT to weigh less than 22 pounds. Go on, I dare ya.

This is Fuji, my brother's ragdoll/Himalayan/Maine Coon/fluffball. He has more cattitude than any varmint I've met in the recent past. With the possible exception of Greaseball.

While I collect my thoughts, I leave you thus. Enjoy.