Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's a wonder I get anything done....

My princess is such a study in contrasts. Most days, she earns her nickname of Freaky Banana by tearing thru the house, beating up her sister, sitting in the windows yodeling to the world outside, or just generally being a ruckus and preventing me from getting my work done. Her sister, on the other hand, is steady as a rock. Mona is straight girl to Daki's comedy act.

The simple act of packing for a brief trip becomes side splitting, since Daki can't resist climbing into enclosed spaces, and when those spaces are soft and knead-worthy, well....

MOOO-oom, she's doing it again.

Princess, what are you doing in there? Dork.

Just leave me alone. I got logs to saw.

These two are really cute together. I must confess to having the cutest cats on the planet. I mean, how can you argue with this?

That's not to say, of course, that they can't get ornery.

If you're waking me up, you had better be bleeding or on fire.

What's that, you say? John McCain is trying to convince people that he's not a complete rageaholic lunatic with panties in a perpetual wad ? OMG!!

Wait, stop, STOP!! John McCain actually said he wants to take Colorado River water away from upstream states and give it away to downstream states, like, say Arizona? In an election year? And he thinks he wants to be President????? You're KILLING ME!!

Okay that last one was SO not funny. Piss off, mom.

She really does sleep like this, though. I swear this photo was not staged. She will burrow under neath the covers, and sometimes under the sheets, depending on how cold she is.

Are you envying all my cuteness yet?

Sweet dreams, y'all.


wildtomato said...

LOL! She sure is royalty!

Fight Blight said...

Freaky, freaky, freaky yodeling bananah...